Au sujet des déflagrations sonores dans l’espace de Star Wars, quelques mots d’Harlan Ellison (tiré du Harlan Ellison’s watching) :
« Then Alan [Dean Foster] looked thoughtful and reluctant to speak, perhaps because he had just written the sequel to the Star Wars novelization that Lucas has sold to Ballantine Books, but in his reserved and gentlemanly fashion he told the audience of the day when he had seen a rough cut of the film and had remarked on just this scientific illiteracy to Lucas. He had even suggested a workable alternative… no, two workable alternatives… and Lucas has said words to the effect of (approximative quote), "There’s a lot of money tied up in this film and people expect to hear a boom when something blows up, so I’ll give them the boom."
And at that moment, the cynicism showed through.
If the masses want bread and circuses, we give them bread and circuses. […]
Goodbye science fiction, hello sci-fi. That’s pronouced skiffy.
If you like peanuts, you’ll love skiffy. »