Sujet proposé le 23/11/2011 à 19h55 par bladerunner |
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RE : RIP Anne McCaffrey
25/11/2011 à 12h35
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Ben laisse tomber Pern alors : rien à voir avec de la Hard SF...
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Très gnan-gnan, tu veux dire? |
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Du style Les Feux de l'amour, quoi, et typique d'une écriture féminine mal inspirée où "ils vécurent heureux et eurent beaucoup d'enfants" à peu de choses près.
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« Fouiller son âme, quoi de plus mortellement ennuyeux. Mais échanger pour de bon des signaux avec Mars, voilà une tâche digne d'un poète lyrique. » - Ossip Mandelstam
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RE : RIP Anne McCaffrey
26/11/2011 à 12h58
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Je n'avais rien lu d'Anne Mc Caffrey jusqu'à ce matin, avec Le vaisseau qui chantait, une belle nouvelle qui, je trouve, navigue habilement aux frontières du sentimentalisme.
Un texte qui lui tenait à coeur :
“I think the best story I ever wrote was 'The Ship Who Sang'. It still causes people to cry, including me. When Todd [her son] and I were reading it at Brighton, they had a BBC crew filming it. So there were these BBC cameramen hunkered down filming us, and comes the end of the story (which Todd always reads, because I can't go through it without weeping), I saw that these cameramen had tears rolling down their faces. That's such a thrill -- a story I wrote at the beginning of my career, and it's still packin' the house. I wrote that story because I couldn't tell my father, he died in 1953. I remember reading a story -- I can't remember the name or that of the author -- about a woman searching for her son's brain, it had been used for an autopilot on an ore ship and she wanted to find it and give it surcease. And I thought what if severely disabled people were given a chance to become starships? What if they wanted to do that? I thought, 'Hey, that would be a gorgeous idea.' So that's how 'The Ship Who Sang' was born."
(Locus - 2004)
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