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RE : Lucius Shepard
04/03/2012 à 12h07
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Pour commencer en fanfare : un mail haineux reçu par l'auteur à l'époque d'une critique très défavorable d'un film de la saga Harry Potter.
Il faut le lire pour le croire... :
"My favorite fan letter thus far, sent by students at a girl's school in England (names omitted):
Dear Mr. Lucius Shepard,
We are firmly convinced the devil dwells within your soul. Do you eat babies? Have you ever stuck a firecracker up a cat's butt? WE THINK SO.
After reading "The Trouble with Harry", it is clear that you are the most evil person who ever walked the face of the earth. You obviously do not believe in love and have no feelings.
Although we admire your skepticism of pop culture, leave Harry the hell alone.
Seriously. We will come after you and perform the best "Avada Kadavra" EVER. You are dead meat.
How can you be so blinded to something so wonderful? We are very skilled fighters when people we love are bashed. Harry is one of the many people we love, you are not. This is not a threat, we just want you to know.
Refering back to your article, "They do not challenge, illuminate, or enthrall anyone above the mental age of 12. " Not so! I would make a list of all the doctors, lawyers and educated people who are a hell of a lot smarter than you who love Harry Potter.
But, you're not worth that much of my time.
And is it relevant to go on about the orphan motif and the apparent symbols of social classes? No. These are books that people read for fun, for enlightenment, and for relaxation. Don't analyze them, ENJOY THEM!!
You say that you are a dad. I pity your kids, not only because they have to be related to Satan, but because they will be half-orphans soon. Again, not a threat. But be careful what you say, little man.
Harry is purely good. Have you ever considered that since millions and millions of people worldwide love Harry so much and you are the one and only person who hates him, there may be a problem with you? Or instead of realizing what an antisocial friendless piss-ant you are, you pretend to be wiser and better than all the rest of us? Your article didn't just diss Harry. It dissed mankind. And someday, you will pay. Maybe not now, but when you die, God will realize what a jackass you are and you won't have a freaking chance!
This "brain-eating alien drool" is the coolest book/movie ever, and if you can't see that, that's your problem. We don't need to hear about it.
Oh, and by the way, Draco Malfoy's father's name is Lucius. We have reason to believe you're him. And Satan's other name is Lucifer. Which is a lot like yours. Coincidence? We think not.
With icy regards,"
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 "Je déteste les discussions, elles vous font parfois changer d'avis."
dernière édition : 04/03/2012 à 12h52
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RE : Lucius Shepard
05/03/2012 à 20h21
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C'est assez drôle de voir que, si j'ai bien suivi, hormis le dernier paragraphe, on pourrait mettre n'importe quel nom à la place de "harry potter" et envoyer la lettre à un adversaire, ceci pour démontrer le peu d'arguments...
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Don't analyze them, ENJOY THEM!! |
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Ca me rappelle une discussion autour de Lynch, non ?
quel dommage que je ne connaisse pas Shepard ^^
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 C'est pas vrai, je ne suis pas misanthrope. La preuve, j'ai des amis humains.
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RE : Lucius Shepard
08/03/2012 à 12h25
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| | | | | | morca :
je ne suis pas très ambiance "jungle et marigot" |
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Le problème, c’est que jusqu’à présent, ces ambiances, on en trouve peu ou prou dans tous ses recueils (hormis Petite musique de nuit.)
Côté romans, c’est bien simple : Shepard a déclaré ne commencer à saisir le fonctionnement de ce format qu’à partir de A handbook of american prayer, postérieur à toutes les traductions françaises.
(ceci dit, j’aime beaucoup Louisiana Breakdown ; mais on peut aisément la considérer comme une novella étirée...)
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 "Je déteste les discussions, elles vous font parfois changer d'avis."
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RE : Lucius Shepard
09/03/2012 à 09h37
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| | | | | | Ubik :
Quel ouvrage pour la rédemption ?
Diable, difficile à dire. |
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(Et puis, il n’y a pas obligation à s’acharner, hein ; on a bien le droit de ne pas accrocher aux univers ou à la prose de l’auteur. ^^)
Pour Franz, une nouvelle (que je n’ai pas lue) semble néanmoins toute indiquée : Sylgarmo’s proclamation, un texte écrit pour une anthologie hommage à Jack Vance et disponible en ligne ici.
Lucius Shepard :
" The story is not something I'd ordinarily attempt, being written as a pastiche of Vance's style, but I thoroughly enjoyed doing it and loved the idea of doing this homage to a fantasist who's made my life (and, I suspect,many of your lives) a bit more pleasant by his work. […]
Oh, yeah. I should point out that the numbers in the text refer to footnotes that didn't make it into the online version. While they improve one's comprehension and enjoyment of the story, but are not absolutely essential."
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 "Je déteste les discussions, elles vous font parfois changer d'avis."
dernière édition : 09/03/2012 à 09h40
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