Sujet proposé le 04/03/2012 à 11h58 par Jim |
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RE : Lucius Shepard
26/03/2014 à 09h53
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Harlan Ellison
(comme c'est au milieu d'autres messages mais que c'est court, je copie-colle) :
"I have just learned of the death in hospital after a protracted illneaa, of the grand and memorable novelist, short story fictioneer and excellent film critic for the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, my friend...
let me type that again:
is gone. Stop a moment, go read GREEN EYES or anything else with his name on it, and honor his achievements, IF I can pause you for a moment in your day's activities. He is worth it, and so are you.
Yr. Pal, Harlan"
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 "Je déteste les discussions, elles vous font parfois changer d'avis."
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RE : Lucius Shepard
15/12/2015 à 12h13
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Lucius imaginant ce que donnerait une suite (trop) tardive du dernier Rocky :
" Rocky, his hair graying, sits in a wooden chair, shirtless and trouserless. He is wearing boxing gloves and a diaper -- the diaper is leaking. He is expressionless, staring listlessly out a window, blinking against the winter light. The room he occupies is sparsely furnished. A bed, a tv set, a throw rug, and the chair. It's clearly an instituitional room. The door opens and a male orderly enters bearing a tray with a glass of water and meds in a tiny paper cup.
Orderly: Aren't you cold, Mr. Balboa?
Rocky: Is it time?
Orderly: Yeah.
The orderly catches a whiff of the diaper, makes a face.
He forces the meds on Rocky, and Rock, dutifully, swallows them down.
Rocky: Gimme my robe.
Orderly: Which one you want?
Rocky hesistates, then: The one with the yellow dragon.
Orderly: Got it right here.
He rips a sheet off the bed and throws it over Rocky's shoulders.
Orderly: Let's go.
Rocky stands, shuffles toward the door, shadow-boxing. His punches are slow, feeble-looking.
Rocky: We got a good crowd, Mitch?
Orderly (opening the door for Rocky): Yeah, Rock.
You sold out the Garden again.
A hydrotherapy room. Orderlies, nurses, patients are ranged along the walls, shouting, making bets, as a blond nurse in bra and panties sashshays around the room, holding up a card on which is stenciled ROUND ONE. One of the patients holds up a metal bedpan and strikes it with a rubber hammer. Bong. Rock, his robe removed, shuffles forward, and from the opposite corner comes an equally diminished Clubber Lang...with a gray mohawk.
Second Orderly: You didn't change his diaper.
First Orderly: Naw, it's nasty, man!
Second Orderly: That gives him an advantage! I'm stoppin' this!
First Orderly (holds knife to throat of Second Orderly): You ain't stopping nothing!
Meanwhile, the two graying warriors have met at the center of the room and, just as we switch to the credits, they launch their first punches...
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 "Je déteste les discussions, elles vous font parfois changer d'avis."
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RE : Lucius Shepard
26/09/2020 à 13h28
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Anecdote dévoilée sur le forum du Bélial :
Pierre-Paul Durastanti :
J'ai eu la chance de dîner avec Shepard -- et Jean-Daniel [Brèque], bien sûr, et Olivier [Girard], entre autres -- lors de sa première venue aux Utopiales, et quand il a raconté avoir été figurant de western spaghetti (ou de péplum ?) dans les années 60 en Espagne, je suis resté un peu rêveur, j'avoue. ;)
Jean-Daniel Brèque :
C'est dans La Chute de l'Empire romain, d'Anthony Mann.
Lucius jouait un guerrier goth. Lors d'une pause entre deux prises, il a été pris d'une subite envie et s'est planqué derrière un buisson pour la soulager. Pas de pot, de l'autre côté du buisson se trouvait Alec Guiness (Marc-Aurèle), qui lui a dit quelque chose comme: "Merci, grâce à vous maintenant je sens vraiment comme un Romain!"
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 "Je déteste les discussions, elles vous font parfois changer d'avis."
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