Sujet proposé le 07/01/2017 à 18h16 par BouquetdeNerfs |
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RE : 2017, faudra-t-il accoucher tes lectures avec le forceps?
18/07/2017 à 16h20
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| | | | | | Olivier :
l'improbable duo Disch & Sladek |
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Je ne le vois pas comme improbable, ce duo : deux Américains de la même génération, tous deux passés par l’Europe (et New Worlds), portés sur l’humour noir et la satire...
Sur leur collaboration, un extrait d’une interview de Sladek par David Langford :
« Langford: (…) Your career started with quite a splash in 1966-8: two solo and two collaborated (with Tom Disch) novels, plus your first short SF stories. Does Disch have a lot to answer for?
Sladek: He was really responsible for getting me started in SF. To begin with, we collaborated on a few stories, silly stuff like 'The Discovery of the Nullitron' (Galaxy, 1966). On the strength of our selling these, he persuaded his agent to take on my own fiction. He also told me about all those professional writing tricks like typing on one side of the paper, and he criticized stories that I read aloud to him. Then we collaborated on a Gothic [ The House that Fear Built] and Black Alice. These early collaborations not only helped finance my start as a full-time writer, they gave me the confidence to carry on. I've been writing full-time ever since. »
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"Je déteste les discussions, elles vous font parfois changer d'avis."
dernière édition : 18/07/2017 à 16h21
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